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A person inherits the core values from his parents and in the due course
of his upbringing, they get more sharpened. These values mirror his
culture and character and are put to use on a day to day basis in both
his personal and professional life. These values helps a person to have a
perspective and also helps him in the decision making process.
When we work in an organization where the culture aligns with our
personal values, we feel liberated. We are able to bring our full-selves to
work. We not only bring our energy, our creativity, our enthusiasm, but
we also bring our commitment to the well being of our associates and the
success of the organization. Unleashing this energy is tantamount to
liberating the corporate soul.
When it comes to an organization, the key challenge is to built a high
performance culture in the organization. The culture of an organization
is the principal source of its Competitive advantage and brand
Our experience in mapping the values that allows us to state
categorically that value-driven organizations are the most successful
Being a common man and employee of a people centric organization,
I have practiced and implemented value driven culture at my work place.
My personal experience suggests that “Value Driven People are the Most
Successful People in their Professional and Personal Life.”
In my 30 years of professional career, I had an opportunity to work with
People Centric Organisation where the implementation of this virtue has
helped everyone to excel in their respective roles.
Leaders that consciously focus on their values are more resilient, more
sustainable and more successful than their counterpart.
we Practice DUPA Principle to drive core vision of the organization...