We believe that during their stint in Prism each colleague should feel that they never did a days work in their life & That It was all fun.
We are proud to be associated with IADVL Satara & Goa in their endeavour of staying updated with the newer therapy and treatment guidelines. Varied topics relating to patient compliance, newer techniques, treatment experiences, case studies & newer molecule and treatment opportunities discussed made these sessions interesting and knowledgable to all the attendees.
Our Epiderma Team in Guatemala undertook a patient education & diabetes checkup programme.The camp had a huge turnout of the patients, who were briefed about dietary modifications and were equipped with knowledge needed to manage Diabetes well.
The National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists And Leprologists, organized by the GeTS Conferences took take place from 18th January to the 21st January 2018 at the Le Meridien Kochi, Cochin in Kochi, India. The conference covered areas like balance between various subspecialties in dermatology.
PRISM was the gold partner for the First International DERMACON hosted by the vibrant team of Dermatologists of IADVL Karnataka. It is the 47th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists and the first ever DERMACON with an international outreach - an "Indian mission with a global vision". It was held from 17th to 20th January 2019.
At Prism, we strive to work hand in hand with the medical fraternity in treating & preventing diseases, by being an active participant in
various Healthcare Congresses.
The Dermatology Congress- Dermacon was held in Pune, Maharashtra in January 2020.
We feel it is important to bridge our differences, harbour compassion, generate goodwill towards all & transport these feelings to strengthen
the unity of nation. With that thought in mind, we recalled our constitution "WE, The People of India" alongwith the interaction with
the medical fraternity.
The dental division Deintes was launched at the 48th Gujarat state Annual Dental Conference had at Ahmedabad.
TTSS Makes learning fun both in and out of school, so that children have the opportunity to explore other interests that they enjoy. Our Scottians learn together, do things together, visit interesting places together, talk about things they have seen on Television or have read in newspaper. A peek in the TTSS Diaries explains its all.